Direct Support Professional (DSP)
Job Description
Direct Support Professional provides support and care to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and/or autism in their homes and communities. To effectively do so, Direct Support Professionals report their Supervisions and/or Program Director. The overall goal of the Direct Support Professional is to execute and fulfil the mission of No One Left Behind.
Duties/Essential Functions
The DSP shall be responsible for supporting adults with disabilities who need assistance to lead self-directed lives and contribute to their communities and support activities that enhance inclusion in their communities.
The DSP is responsible for teaching daily living skills, communication, work skills, providing safe transportation, assisting with, or coordinating medical and other support service appointments, maintaining accurate and detailed documentation and records, and safeguarding the monetary and personal resources of people supported.
The DSP is responsible for ensuring that services occur in accordance with the individual’s established Individual Service Plan (ISP). Services should occur in varied settings including in the person’s home, their community, or other locations, as requested by the person and as allowed by the parameters of established service definitions.
The DSP will understand and respect each person as an individual and the human rights of each person, implement person-centered approaches, use people-first language consistently, actively advocate for each person’s rights, encourage choice and community inclusion, and protect each person’s right to privacy and confidentiality.
The DSP shall demonstrate knowledge of and adherence to the following: The No One Left Behind’s policies and procedures, licensing, and accreditation rules (ODP, etc.), fire safety, bloodborne pathogen/OSHA requirements, crisis prevention, behavior management, restrictive procedures, and HIPAA/compliance requirements.
The DSP shall assist each person to overcome challenges associated with leading self-directed lives (e.g. exercising human and civil rights, obtaining access and accommodations as desired, meeting financial obligations, and obtaining entitlements and supports).
The DSP will promote independent living skills and will encourage each person to accomplish tasks (e.g. - household work, cooking, laundry, etc.), appropriate to each person’s abilities.
The DSP will be responsible for accurate documentation of all time worked through the assigned payroll procedures and in accordance with all Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) procedures and will inform their Chain of Command with questions or concerns.