Our Services
We Offer Many Options For You
In-Home and community Supports
In-Home and Community Support aids in acquiring, maintaining, and improving the skills necessary to live in the community, to live more independently, and to participate meaningfully in community life. Supports consist of guidance (physical assistance, instruction, prompting, modeling, and positive reinforcement) in the general areas of self-care, healthy living, decision making, home management, managing personal resources, communication, mobility and transportation, relationship development and socialization, participating in community functions and activities and use of community resources based on the goals set by each person to live their everyday life.
Respite services are direct services that are provided to supervise and support participants with an intellectual disability living in private homes on a short-term for planned or emergency situations, giving the person(s) normally providing care a period of relief. Respite services do not cover the care provided to a minor child when the primary caregiver or legally responsible individual is absent due to work.
Companion services are direct services provided to individuals for providing supervision or assistance that is designed to ensure the participant’s health, safety, and welfare or to perform activities of daily living for the individual. Companions may supervise, assist, or even perform activities for an individual that include grooming, household care, meal preparation and planning to guarantee a daily quality of life.
Homemaker services enable the participant or the family member(s) or friend(s) with whom the participant resides to maintain their primary private home. This service can only be provided when a household member is temporarily absent or unable to manage the home, or when no landlord or provider agency staff is responsible to perform the homemaker activities. Homemaker Services include cleaning and laundry, meal preparation, and other general household care. Chore services consist of services needed to maintain the home in a clean, sanitary, and safe condition. Chore services consist of heavy household activities such as washing floors, windows, and walls; tacking down loose rugs and tiles; moving heavy items of furniture in order to provide safe access and egress; ice, snow, and/or leaf removal; and yard maintenance. In the case of rental property, the responsibility of the landlord, pursuant to the lease agreement, will be examined prior to any authorization of service. Maintenance in the form of upkeep and improvements to the participant’s home is excluded from federal financial participation.
Community Participation Supports
Community Participation Support is intended to assist individuals with community life activities. This service involves participation in activities that involve persons without disabilities who are not caregivers. This will result in the individual developing and sustaining a range of valued social roles and relationships; building resources and experiences in the community; increasing independence; increasing potential for employment; and experiencing meaningful community participation and inclusion based on the goals set by each person to live their everyday life.
Behavioral Support Specialist (BSS) COMING SOON!
BSS assesses behaviors of concern by conducting a thorough evaluation of the behavior and all variables surrounding the participant by conducting a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA). Once the FBA is complete, the BSS develops a person-centered Behavior Support Plan (BSP) and a Crisis Intervention Plan (CIP). The Behavioral Specialist addresses behaviors that are disruptive, destructive and/or disturbing. The BSS trains all staff working with the individual on the interventions in the BSP/CIP in order to properly utilize the individualized techniques of the Behavior and Crisis Plan. The BSS provides ongoing support to the participant and/or his/her family in the home, community, and work settings. The BSS monitors the individual’s progress on the goals of the BSP by reviewing and analyzing monthly and quarterly data and by reviewing the results with the team.
The Behavior Specialist is authorized for both direct and consultation hours. Direct hours include time spent with the individual face to face, on the phone, on ZOOM, and assessing the individual for revisions of the BSP. Consult hours are used to train and collaborate with family members, friends, significant others, and team members. Consultation time is also used to revise the FBA, BSP/CIP and develop materials for teaching.
The BSS is available 24/7 for crisis intervention support, 7 days a week.
Support Employment COMING SOON!
Supported Employment services are direct and indirect services that are provided in a variety of community settings for the purposes of supporting participants in obtaining and sustaining competitive integrated employment. Competitive integrated employment refers to full or part-time work at minimum wage or higher, with wages and benefits similar to workers without disabilities performing the same work, and fully integrated with coworkers without disabilities.
Contact us if you have any questions